Wednesday, February 8, 2012

28 Days of Black History, On the Eighth Day...

On the Eighth day of Black History… 

My Blackness gave to me
Literary greats with no debate

Vast distinguished works speak
Dancing on the pages of poetry, novels, books and plays

Amiri Biraka pleaded “Who did what to the United States? “
Phenomenal Women who rose and activist who chose to compose literature that reflects a diverse people

Creative intellectual minds who wrote without the coat of sugar or syrupy sweet

Producing great characters such as Walter Lee Younger and Boy Willie & poems of Dreams we hear them speak volumes

Lucille Clifton lifting us

Still Thirsting for Hurston calling out for an S.O.S for Sanchez 
  Walter Dean Myers, Sharon Draper, Christopher Paul Curtis and Mildred D. Taylor’s Road to Memphis. Richard Wright,  Ralph Ellison the writing journey has begun-and I'm on board


1. Who is your favorite African-American Writer? Why?

2. Tell us about your favorite book by an African-American Author. Note the genre.

3. Research the characters, titles mentioned in the poem. Who wrote them and which body of work do they come from?

4. Research the authors mentioned in the poem. Name one title from each of their works.

5. Which modern day writers from the poem write Young Adult realistic fiction?

6. List at least eight African-American writers that are not listed in the poem and their contribution (title).

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